Download Latest AV Songs, Albums, Biography, All Music, and Videos on Naijamz
Names: Adindu Victor
Also Known As: AV
Record Label:
Genre: Afro Pop and Afro Beats.
AV Biography:
Adindu Victor knkown by his stage name as AV, was born in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, into an Entertainment family "The Adindu's Family". AV is a Nigerain singer and guitarist who became present in Nigerian Music Industry in 2018 when he released his single "Tempreature". Earlier in 2020, he gained more prominence after dropping his hit single "Big Thug Boys" which accumulated many streams and views YouTube.
The song "Big Thug Boys" hit the music industry all over Africa and was ranked one top across all the streaming platforms. The singer AV later released another hit single he titled "Hustle" earlier in 2019, which recorded a great massive airplay and ever since then, he his haas been recording hit songs like new hot trending single "If you get a woman hold am tight.
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